Here are some of the services Uptown Appraisal, LLC, LLC offers:

URAR, Condo, or Townhome (dependent upon complexity) (5 day service) $350
URAR, Condo, or Townhome (dependent upon complexity) (2 day service) $450
Duplex,Tri-Plex, or 4-Plex (Depending on number of units & complexity) $500-$800
FHA Appraisals (dependent upon complexity) $450
Form 2055 Interior/Exterior  $350/$300
Market Rent Analysis & O.I.S. (forms 216 and/or 1007) $100

Desk Review, Form 2070 and/or Certificate of Cempletion


Cost Approach/Agriculturally Zoned/ 10+ Acres/Lake Front

Field Review/Value Update $200
On-Time Guarentee FREE
Commerical Appraisals Call for estimate

This is not a complete list of the services we can provide. Please contact us if the service you need that is not listed. Price of appraisal is dependant on the speed of which the appraisal is needed back. URAR, Condo, Townhome and Multi-family dwellings are available in 5 and 2 business day turnaround. All time frames guarentee you your appraisal when you need it.

We are FHA approved and prices are $100 more for FHA appraisals.

Cost Approach, Lake Front, Agriculturally Zoned and/or 10+ Acres is an additional $100

Wright, Sherburne, Isanti, Pine, Chisago, Goodhue and Rice Counties require an additional $75 trip charge per required trip and Stearns, Pine and Benton Counties require an additional $150 trip charge per required trip.

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